Oh dear, I have been a horrid blogger again, it is so difficult to kick my laze to the curb and buckle down when I get home and write write write!!
In the past two (or so) weeks so much has happened:
♥ All the telecanvassing, tee-shirt-printing and badge-making paid off and Haniff and Warwick both won!! Everyone who was involved is still floating on a cloud of absolute bliss!!
♥ W & I became fb official! Well done Warwick =P
♥ We went on a 5 day 4x4 adventure in Maddy, with the Land Cruiser Club** and learnt all sorts of amazing facts about Voortrekkers and Newcastle!
♥ Jasper Minicat joined the menagerie
♥ W bought a new Land Cruiser
♥ I ate oats for the first time in years and totally loved it
Okay, so that last point was more of a smalltiny event of personal growth than a bigmassive happening, but still, vitally important! Especially seeing as oats are so good for you! I’m going to post the recipe for my amazing oaty creation sometime soon. Well, I just wanted to check in and catch up.