Saturday, May 26, 2012

Marls in Motion

I have been sitting around today, wondering what to do and wondering how to re motivate mysef to blog. It is't easy to just whip something out of nowhere and have it be interesting for others to read. i think I probably put too much pressure on myself when it comes to these sorts of things. To me, there is nothing more annoying than enjoying a blg and then having the author post less than once a week. My favourite bloggers post at least once a week and even then I crave more, more, more!

It isn't like I have a boring life or anything. I am a 22 year old qualified chef, working as a clothing designer for m moms company, Guru Girl. I live in a 120 year old house in beautiful Glenwood with my wonderful 30 year old W, who is a brilliant hard-working politcian. That doesn't even begin to cut it... I have so much to write about but i can't seem to narrow down on ONE simple THING! So I decided to start with 3 creatures that I am surrounded by daily. Easy peasy right?

We have 3 adorable rescue dogs:

Lexi, a small, brown, funny, shy, little creature, who only greets you once she is very sure that you are not dangerous, which is harldy ever. George. a big white hulking lab cross pitbull cross something else and cross another thing, who has such kind and gentle eyes and sits so nicely and lifts his paw up when he wants something. And then there is Marls. Oh, Marls.  

this is our dog Marley,
he is a lab cross something,
cross something else.

This is Marley's ball.
dripping in dirt and slobber
just the way he likes it.

when Marley wants his ball,
he will bark until he gets it.
what Marley wants,
Marley gets.

this is marley mid-catch

Marley has caught his ball,
and now we will continue this exercise
until, forever.

(shying away from the camera)

(being handsome as usual)

Well, that was surprisingly easy! I suppose that is what blogging is about, writing about something that you love and something that is important to you! I am hoping to keep writing regularly and become one of those blogs that at least 1 person races to read.


Friday, May 11, 2012

Bad Blogger #2

At some point I will get the proper hang of this and I will stop sucking.

I actually misplaced my password in my brain and took a real long time to remember it.

It was "pickles". I don't eat pickles, I don't like pickles, I don't have pickles in my refrigerator. I have no cooking clue why my password was "pickles". Any way, I'm not making any solid committment to any future post at this moment, but with any hope it will be this weekend. I find that the less pressure the quicker the words come.

Happy Friday!
Jordy xxx